Glaucoma Treatment
Have you Experienced Sudden Blurred Vision?
If so, you may be experiencing signs of Glaucoma. Glaucoma tends to run in families. If your parents or grandparents had glaucoma, you may be more likely to experience symptoms as you get older. Ram Eye Care and Retina Center has been offering glaucoma treatment as well as an array of eye care and retina services to families in Lake County Florida since 1997. We offer complete comprehensive eye exams for the whole family, including pediatric eye exams. At Ram Eye Care and Retina Center, Saving your Site is Our Passion, which is why we utilize premier state of the art equipment to diagnose and treat your conditions. If you are experiencing blurred vision, or your eyes look hazy, don’t ignore these systems. Call or contact Ram Eye Care to schedule a consultation and examination.

What is Glaucoma?
Can glaucoma be stopped?
Glaucoma cannot be cured, but you can stop it from progressing. It usually develops slowly and can take 15 years for untreated early-onset glaucoma to develop into blindness.
Conditions that May Increase the Risk of Glaucoma and Treatment Options
Treatment Options
Eye medications can reduce the level of aqueous humor being made in the eye
Medications to improve the flow of aqueous humor through the eyes drainage system
Laser Procedures may be required for more advanced cases
Surgery may be the last option required depending on the advancement of the disease
What are the Different Types of Glaucoma
Angle Closure Glaucoma
• Sudden blurred vision
• Reddening of the Eye
• The patient may see rainbow colored rings or halos around lights
• Headaches
• Nausea that may lead to vomiting accompanied by severe eye pain
• The onset of visual disturbances, often in low light conditions
Open Angle Glaucoma
By far the most common form of glaucoma, this version accounts for up to 90% of all instances. When the drainage channels, also referred to as the trabecular meshwork become partially blocked, the aqueous humor fluid is drained from the eye and cycles at too slow a rate. This form of glaucoma can be very slow to develop so patients may not be aware of its slow onset. Often symptoms may not reveal themselves until the disease has progressed. Some common symptoms are:
- A gradual loss of the patient’s peripheral vision, often in both eyes
- In very advanced stages the patient will experience tunnel vision
A Few Words From Our Customers
Dr. Ramchander has got to be one of the best eye doctors in Florida by far! He diagnosed me with macular degeneration and has been able to return my vision to nearly perfect in both eyes. I continue to be monitored on a 3 mo. basis and I’m absolutely confident in his abilities and extremely happy with his care. I would highly recommend him to anyone!
Why Choose Ram Eye Care and Retina Center to Treat Your Glaucoma?
Once vision loss has occurred it can’t be restored, but future vision loss can be prevented with detection and treatment. Once you have been diagnosed with glaucoma it’s imperative that you manage this disease with your doctor. This will be a lifelong process and requires regular examinations, every 3 to 6 months. It’s important to schedule these regular visits as you may not experience symptoms and only your doctor can determine the state of the disease. Dr. Ramchander and his staff are ready to provide a level of personal care that you will find unique and refreshing. At Ram Eye Care and Retina Center, we take a personal approach to every patient’s condition, and you will be completely informed throughout your treatment. Call or contact Ram Eye Eye Care and Retina Center today, at either of our convenient locations in The Villages or Leesburg, to schedule your appointment with Dr. Ramchander.
Ram Eye Care and Retina Center Proudly Offers Services to the Communities in
The Villages, Leesburg, Lady Lake, Fruitland Park, Tavares, Eustis, Mount Dora, Umatilla, Howey-in-the-Hills, Wildwood, Bushnell, Belleview